Purepet Chicken and Vegetable Adult Dog Food is a complete and balanced diet which stimulates your pet’s regular activities keeping them happy and active. It is blended with essential nutrients...
Purepet Chicken and Vegetable Adult Dog Food is a complete and balanced diet which stimulates your pet’s regular activities keeping them happy and active. It is blended with essential nutrients that help maintain an ideal weight, providing all the health benefits. Purepet is a high quality food , approved by Veterinarians which is suitable for all the breeds.
Key Features:
A daily Adult Dog nutrition contains all the essential Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boosts your pet's health and vitality
Ideal for weight management and keeping your pet active and agile
It is easily digestible and supports a healthy immune system
Fortified with Vitamins and Minerals help to keep your pet active and healthy
Purepet is an economical diet that can be served as a whole meal, fulfilling all the nutrional needs of your pet
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